
Pole Beans

Bean Blue Lake 

 Nice stringless, tender pods. 15 cm long. Early. Nice fresh or for freezing and canning. Good production.  60-65 days.

Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Bean Mosaic   
(Pink Yard Long Bean)

One of the most striking bean varieties, with bright burgundy-pink, super long pods that can reach more than 40 cm long. Click thumbnails for details. Better picked when still young and tender for eating. This is a yard long type, that is not eaten fresh but rather cooked. Takes longer than P. vulgaris types to produce pods. Very good ornamental value. Beans stay on plants for a month or so before starting to dry. Only sow in warm soil. Better even to start in pots a week or two earlier. Do not disturb roots when planting outisde. Climbing type. Needs support. About 80 days. Limited supply, small packets.

Sold out.

Bean Yard Long     (Dolique Asperge)     (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis)

Astonishingly long pods reaching more than 60 cm in length. Better picked at 30-40 cm. Used in stir fries or cooked, mainly in oriental cuisine. Rich bean flavor. Tolerant to heat. Do not sow in cold soil. 80 days.

Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Bean Ramdor   (Rame d'Or)

Long, slender yellow filet beans on climbing vines. Can reach 18 cm long. Marvelous. Tasty. Can be picked young (filet) or later. Productive vines. Pole type.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,99

Bush Beans

Not available for 2023.

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